My apartment mates have arrived from Germany. They drove for an entire 18 hours and were dead tired. But after a brief snap all of us were really hungry and we decided to go to a restaurant and have a filling lunch. France is famous for its food, wine and women. So we decided to go for the food. The wine would follow and probably the women ;)
Unfortunately we were late as it was 4 when we reached the Palais, and lunch was not being served. So we walked up to an Italian restaurant. The food was alright and the wine was good. but f you are looking for value for money, forget it. This place is ridiculously expensive for anything that it offers. The ideal place to visit Cannes is when there are no festivals. I was told that there are different menus for the festival season and different menus for the non-festival season. If you thought people rip you off only in India, guys do a reality check. Here you are ripped off in shreds, and to make things worse its in Euros, and the Euro is getting ever stronger against the Rupee.
Also to add to the woes, our German friend wanted a French number, so we went hunting for a sim card to be used in france. It cost 30 Euros for a sim that had a validity of 8 months!! (meaning, if he came next year for the same festival he would have to shell out another 30 + Euros) Imagine in India you get a Sim for 900 Rs. with a life long validity. Moreover, the cost of a fone call is 33 cents per min which is 20 rs (approx) for a local call... and how much do we pay for a local call... Well you get it... I love my country so much.
However, I do understand many other things that are better off here than India. The Cab driver earned 90 Euros for trip from Nice Airport to the hotel in Cannes. It is when you are in a developed country that you understand that we in India live life fit for Kings. Here there are no house helps. If you have, they make sure they cost you dear. Everyone earns enough to live a happy and content life. Even the house-help would come in a BMW r a Mercedes. Everyone lives in equality. Be it a garbage pick up guy or the owner of an hotel. Everyone is at equals. There is no hypocrisy here based on your job. You are taxed heavily so that you have super clean roads and fantastic infrastructure. Well great for the people residing here, bad for the spoilt Indians like me who were used to such personal service and slavery (am i getting opinionated already?)
Ok, back to the festival...

The carpet is just about being rolled out and people from different countries were getting their badges from the accreditation desk. Tomorrow is going to be the Big Bang day. The place is going to be crowded and all of us have to be careful as Cannes will turn into a hunting ground for pick-pockets.
Went to the Indian Pavilion where we would be putting up our stall. We met a few people. One of them was very polished while the others were just smoogling* around. Here is a sample conversation -
Me: So, what brings you to Cannes.
A: I produced a Marathi film.
Me: Great. What is it about?
A: Well we are launching MS for the first time in Marathi
Me: Really, what is the story about?
A: Its a Marathi film with a flavor for the international audience.
Me: (thinking) what does that mean?
Me: (Speaking) Thats great. Hope you have a great festival.
A: Thanks
Another discussion went like this -
B: He lives like a King. Or should we say like a Moghul Emperor. (pointing the finger at an Island far off) He bought a castle there.
Me: Who?
B: Who else but Mr. Vijay Malya. He is one man who has no qualms of telling the world that he has many wives and many children across the world.
Me: (surprised) Really? I didnot know someone would say it publicly.
B: Thats why I adore him. He has the balls to tell the world about what he does...
Me: (thinking) Well, balls to tell where his balls have been? Interesting...
Me: (speaking) What company do you represent sir?
B: Well, I am the sec. general of xyz association
Me: you have been to Cannes before?
B: No, this is the first time!
Me: (thinking) and he knows the island where Vijay Mallya bought a castle... hmmmm...
Well, there is a lot more to come tomorrow.... Oh, before i finish, a small idea on how to beat the escalated costs on drinks... Go to a superstore. you get 6 bottles of Heniken beer for 4 Euros and a bottle of Dry wine (good one) for 5 Euros... Also buy bananas, bread and cheese, fruits from a supermarket and you will be saving a lot of money... These are tips you can use when in Cannes unless you earn in millions and want to spend it all in show-off to your other indian counterparts...