LK Advani is already leveraging this event to gain the electoral seats in the Rajasthan Elections. RR Patil said this event as a small incident in the big city. The Congress states that atleast their ministers resigned while none of the ministers of the NDA government resigned following attack on the Parliament.
What a pathetic state of events in a democracy!

Politicians resign instead of being accountable of their lacunae. It is such an easy life for these politicians. They screw the life of the common people and when they are questioned, they resign. I feel there should be a bigger punishment to these politicians. They should be barred from politics forever.
India, for a long time has been the victim of lack of accountability. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s picture indicates him pointing, indicating the direction for growth, but we Indians take it as a sign of blaming the other one.
Why is it that the ministers don’t feel the need to spruce up the security system? Because they don’t think security is an issue. They feel secure under the cover of police security and NSG Commandos covering up their ass.

The ratio of police to people in India is the least in the world. We have 2.6 police officials per 1000 people. An average in any other country is 10-15 per 1000. How do we increase this? It is a difficult task, but one which needs tremendous insight and a passionate vigor to resolve it.
The police is known as the most corrupt in the state. The book Carnage by Angels by YP Singh states the shambles our police force is in. If we look into the cracks, there are many things that might shock us beyond our imagination.
A constable gets a paltry amount for his service, something around Rs. 7000/- per month. This, for putting his life on the line, working for more than 12 hours a day, to be cautious of the criminals with political connections, (you never know that the criminal you are arresting today might be the minister giving orders to you tomorrow) and also facing the flak for intelligence failure of the Governments divided security procedures and eventually facing the bullet of a terrorist. Is this amount enough to live a healthy life? Can he give the best education to his children? Will he be entitled for a loan to buy a house of his own? An eventual answer is No. So he has to get to corrupt methods and this has infinite repercussions on himself and the society on the whole.
What can we do?
Probably separate the police from the ministry to the Judiciary. This would ensure that the police would not need to please politicians or beware of the politics that happen at the highest levels. This ensures that the police would do their duty at the best. Increase the salaries to Industry standards so that kids today can consider it as a sound, clean and a patriotic profession.
This way might have its own negative implications, but then evolution of a concept would weed out the negativities and bring in a more positive approach to the security of the country and reduce corruption to a great extent.
As a common man, what can we do? We as individuals do not have any power. The power is only when we come together and stand against it unified. It takes a common cause to unify. And 26/11 has bought in the cause.
History has seen revolutions happen. As Hitler states in Mein Kampf - History has to be learnt not for the dates but to understand the reason and the forces behind such revolutions. We have our reason. And it is time for a revolution.
I will be standing at the Taj tomorrow. And I know I will not be alone.

Image Source: REUTERS. Photographs by: Arko Datta & Amit Dave
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